Five things you DONT need to buy for a new baby
An adorable collection of baby girl clothes and newborn baby outfits
featuring super cute prints and hues. Next day delivery and free returns
我和宝宝的难忘经历!! Part 4
Support Relay For Life!
Support Relay For Life!
I'm participating in this year's Relay For Life.
Next weekend Saturday 3pm to Sunday 8am, I'll be joining my colleagues and
家办囍事 2012 大马龙年贺岁片
Bjarne 王导演是我两年前在砂劳越认识的朋友,当时他们在为 Sayang You Can Dance 跑宣传。
再次碰面,是他执导的《家办囍事》 记者会。
地点:One World Hotel Long Bar
这个星期里去了两次 One World Hotel, 第一次是出...
No more this blogspot.
I will move to start from now.
so meet me up at there yay :)
anyway, TQ and welcome. :)
If you remember Here in My Home, a project put together by Malaysian
Artists For Unity last year, you might be interested in
15Malaysia.15Malaysia is a sho...
情人节 Valentines' Day
Nice right!! This month of love, send this loving Ecard to your loved
ones...for only LOVE MATTERS!!!
美吧!! 今年的情人节把对你身边挚爱的祝福用这章e card 来代劳吧!!!幸福万岁!!!